Characterization of haptic information related to simulation applications in virtual reality

This PhD started on May 2000 in the framework of a cooperation with the Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l’Action (LPPA). The co-directors are Dr. Kemeny and Dr. Droulez. This thesis was realized within the framework of the utilization of virtual reality at RENAULT. Indeed, in the field of driving simulation, haptic interfaces (steering wheel, pedals, gear box) bring additional information to the visual and vestibular restitution of movement. Also, in a task of virtual assembly operation users need to have a sensory feedback of the manipulation of assembled objects. For these problems, we sought to model and estimate the contributions of this sensory feedback information to the corresponding motor strategies. The study and the improvement of these restitutions should take into account the mechanisms related to the integration of haptic information.

D. Toffin defended his PhD from Paris 6 University (Cognitive Science speciality)
on December 04, 2004, before a jury composed of:
Dr. Jacques Droulez, co-director
Dr. Andras Kemeny, co-director
Dr. Edouard Gentaz, reviewer
Pr. Alexander Wertheim, reviewer
Dr. Gilles Malaterre, examiner
Dr. Joseph McIntyre, examiner
Pr. Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny, examiner, president of the jury

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D. Toffin, J. McIntyre, J. Droulez, A. Kemeny, A. Berthoz Perception and reproduction of force direction in the horizontal plane. Journal of Neurophysiology 2003 number 90 pp 3040-3053


D. Toffin, G. Reymond, A. Kemeny, J. Droulez, Influence of steering wheel torque feedback in a dynamic driving simulator. Proceedings of the Driving Simulation Conference – North America 2003, October 8-10, Dearborn, MI

D. Toffin, J. McIntyre, J. Droulez, A. Kemeny, A. Berthoz Reproducing forces in two dimensions: a sense of force or a sense of effort? – Neuroscience 2003, November 8-12, New Orleans, LA

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